Short name: PICASSO
Long name: PICASSO: Information-centric Edge Computing Platform for Wireless Mesh Networks

Company: Business and Innovation Center, SEEU
Country: North Macedonia

Call: F4Fp-SME-COD1 (see call details)
Proposal number: F4Fp-SME-COD190625-02


Edge computing is radically shaping the way today’s Internet services are run by enabling computations to be available close to the user’s proximity -thus mitigating the latency and performance challenges. Solutions that have been recently proposed to facilitate efficient service delivery in edge data centres cannot fully support the operations in WirelessMesh Networks (WMNs), since most of these platforms still rely on host-centric communication and this limits many business opportunities. The goal of the PICASSO project is to assess the capability of a light edge computing platform that combines information-centric networking (ICN) and lightweight virtualization to facilitate both service delivery and service deployment in a challenging environment of WMNs.

By leveraging resources from Fed4Fire testbeds, the PICASSO project will experiment solutions that enable ICN based edge services in WMNs by combining into a platform several trends in edge computing namely the ICN, the containerization of services exemplified by Docker, novel service placement algorithms and the increasing availability of energy-efficient but still powerful hardware at user premises (Raspberry Pi, mini-PCs, and enhanced home gateways). The project results will be the evaluation of PICASSO platform on edge devices that advances the scientific understanding and business opportunities in citywide WMNs.


  • PICASSO | Towards Information-centric Edge Platform for Mesh Networks: The Case of CityLab Testbed (download the PDF)

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