Short name: SMART CPS (stage1 of CITYSCAN)
Long name: Smart City Positioning System SmartCPS

Company: KMB LAB SRL |
Country: Italy

Call: F4Fp-SME-1 (see call details)
Proposal number: F4Fp-SME-COD190723-02


Micro-mobility optimization platform is our product developed for Smart Cities. The platform is used to study existing city infrastructure and patterns of bicycle usage in the cities. The goal of the platform is to suggest adjustments to the Smart City infrastructure to meet the real needs of cyclists. Locational data is the key to analysing patterns of bicycle usage. To enable efficient locational data collection, KMB Lab developed GPS tracking device (Kissmybike) which was designed exclusively for bicycles. Kissmybike and other SOTA bicycle tracking systems are fitting perfectly the needs for personal bicycle tracking and for managing a small fleet of bicycles. For cities with large fleets, the development of more cost-efficient solutions with longer battery life is required.

The objective of the proposed experiment is to study if it is possible to off-load the costly and battery hungry part of localization infrastructure (GPS & GSM) from each bicycle and, instead, to implement the single positioning system on the site of Smart City. Various combinations of wireless positioning and map matching techniques will be implemented. Minimal required hardware components and their optional positioning in the city will be analyzed.


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