Short name: XENO
Long name: XENO: The personal crowdsourced Bodyguard

Company: Blockchain 5.0 OÜ
Country: Estonia

Call Stage 1: F4Fp-SME-COD1 (see call details)
Proposal number: F4Fp-SME-COD200428-05

Call Stage 2: F4Fp-SME-2 (see call details)
Proposal number: F4Fp-SME-STAGE 2-08M04


Originally developed for women’s safety in an Xprize competition, XENO is an innovative solution that alerts crowdsourced first responders (FRs) in just under 90 seconds if a person in distress needs help in most challenging circumstances. Three unique features of Xeno make it a massively disruptive with broad cross-sector applicability:

  1. Always-on BLE5 mesh-networking solves the last mile telecom problem.
  2. Victim’s privacy & anonymity via a novel decentralized P2P network.
  3. A smart contract that ensures financial reward to the crowdsourced FR for rescuing the victim.

Our approach to get the fastest possible help in distress, and also maintain privacy & anonymity inspired us to name our solution XENO – a Greek term meaning stranger. XENO builds a community of good strangers (gig-workers) who can be instantly mobilized to rescue a distressed stranger (victim woman) from a bad stranger (perpetrator). XENO solution comprises a hardware device, designed as a wearable fashion accessory powered by decentralized P2P network infrastructure. The hardware incorporates a Microphone, Microspeaker, Hands-Free voice trigger, BLE5 module, operated with or without a companion GSM device. XENO decentralized network architecture uses blockchain’s immutable ledger system to secure the identity of the participating peers and reward the victim’s crowdsourced FR, mostly an online gig-worker (Uber, food delivery, etc).

The focus of stage-1 was to validate the always-on BLE5 mesh in the most challenging SOS situations where wireless connectivity is lacking. The results not only validated the mesh but helped us contribute to at least two H2020 consortia comprising of 30+ EU research entities/centers of excellence for building novel FR (MOONSHOT) and patient monitoring (CLINTOS) solutions. The focus of stage-2 is to set up the backend network infrastructure on w-iLab.t nodes to create a network that’s secure, private and incentivizes peer participation with rewards.


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