When it comes to advancing Next Generation Internet technologies, discussing challenges and collecting feedback from peer innovators can prove to be the key step in breaking the boundaries of these domains.

For this reason, Fed4FIRE+ set up the Engineering Conferences, a stage for experimenters presenting their innovations and a forum of discussion with the Fed4FIRE+ community.

Lessons learnt from the Fed4FIRE+ testing facilities

The Fed4FIRE+ Engineering Conferences (FECs) have now reached their 10th edition. FEC 10 took place online from mid-January to mid-February 2022 and gathered innovators who recently accessed the Fed4FIRE+ research infrastructures.

The featured Fed4FIRE+ experiments on stage covered several technology domains, spanning from cybersecurity to machine learning and cloud computing. After a brief introduction of the innovation, each experimenter presented the testing done with the Fed4FIRE+ testbeds and tools. Despite different results, experimenters agreed on one aspect: the test and validation helped advance their research and upscale their business.

“The experiment run through the Fed4FIRE+ helped us achieve a more stable version of neuropil and become the first enterprise-ready cybersecurity mesh” – Stephan Schwichtenberg about the neuropil experiment

From technical support to communication campaigns, there are several added values that marked out the support of Fed4FIRE+.

“Fed4FIRE+ affiliate facilities are state-of-the-art and a boom for SMEs that mostly don’t have such infrastructures in-house to test and validate their research” –  Dr. Fazal Raheman about the ZVC experiment

Overall, research organisations and innovative SMEs appreciated the free and remote access to top-quality testing facilities. Eventually, startups also highly valued the funding received through the Open calls to cover risks.

Check the demo stories to find more details about the developments of the Fed4FIRE+ experiments. If you are interested in running an experiment, find more information on our website.

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NGI - Next Generation Internet