What is TENGU?

The IDLab Tengu platform (Ghent University – imec) is a platform for experimentation with complex technologies. While its initial focus was mainly on big data experimentation, it now supports a wide variety of frameworks, backed by a fully managed Kubernetes cluster.


With Tengu, it is a breeze to start experimenting and to take your first steps into this new world. The library of managed components is continuously expanded.





The IDLab Tengu platform is hosted on a sizeable VMWare cluster. Even though the infrastructure is shared between multiple projects, each project will have a fully isolated and managed instantiation of Kubernetes at its disposal. If you only need to experiment with Kubernetes, this can be your final stop. If you need advanced technologies, the Tengu managed Kubernetes already comes with several easy-to-use components to deploy complex technologies. We tap into the vast possibilities of Bitnami’s KubeApps framework. A small selection of technologies you can use right off the bat:

  • Datastores, Databases and Data Warehouses: Cassandra, Etcd, MongoDB, ElasticSearch, Solr, InfluxDB, Druid, MySQL, MariaDB, PostgreSQL, Memcached, Redis, Minio, …
  • Data processing: Kafka, Fluentd, RabbitMQ, Spark, Jupyter, Logstash, Volcano, Tensorflow, Pulsar
  • Orchestrators: Airflow, Luigi
  • Data Visualization: Grafana, Kibana, Redash, Superset
  • Application Development: Kong, Ambassador, Tomcat, Vault, Keycloak, OpenFaaS

Next to this, we can also deploy many technologies via the Operator Hub framework. If your technology of choice is not available yet, please contact us.

All this is at your disposal via integrated web interfaces. You only need credentials to Fed4FIRE+. Connectivity to the IDLab Tengu platform is via OpenVPN, which grants you direct access to your managed Kubernetes cluster and all deployed technologies.

Experiment Examples

Tengu has been used by experimenters to analyse data in a wide variety of application domains:

  • abuse detection on social media sites
  • recommendations for and monitoring of large crowds in festivals
  • security log analysis and management
  • automated real-time classification of news items


Email:  tim.wauters@ugent.be

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