Short name: COVID
Long name: Containment of Outbreaks of Virulent Infectious Diseases

Company: MRI LTD
Country: UK

Call Stage 1: F4Fp-SME-1 (see call details)
Proposal number: F4Fp-SME-COD2000629-02


A Covid-19 pandemic that originated in China, within weeks made Europe the epicentre of one of history’s worst catastrophes. The Covid-19 pandemic is a wake-up call. There are other known pathogens with infectivity much higher than Covid-19. The existential threat to mankind from a new nano-sized enemy lurking somewhere is real. COVID (Containment of Outbreaks of Virulent Infectious Diseases) is a novel wearable device that potentially secures humanity from any such impending apocalypse.

AI-powered decentralized COVID enables states to autonomously/anonymously monitor and detect the earliest signs of an outbreak and implement privacy-preserving containment measures via screening, contact tracing, quarantine, social distancing, mobility restrictions, etc. With the ultimate aim to become an autonomous health passport to seamlessly authorize safe human mobility across COVID Check Points (CCP). CCPs are non-intrusive walkthroughs that autonomously and seamlessly screen citizenry for any morbidity risk at the entry point to spaces housing significant human congregation, like airports, malls, cinema halls, trains, buses, cross-border travel, etc.

We aim to validate the networking ability of the device for GDPR-compliant human surveillance using always-on BLE-5mesh-networking protocol for containing the rapid spread of infection by restricting the movement of the suspected/infected persons in high footfall spaces by alerting the surveillance system.


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