Short name: StessTest (stage1) | Extended (stage 2)
Long name: Stress tests for Update and Firmware Distribution for Edge Devices in the Internet of Things

Company: |
Country: Germany

Call Stage 1: F4Fp-SME-COD1 (see call details)
Proposal number: F4Fp-SME-COD1-08

Call Stage 2: F4Fp-SME-2 (see call details)
Proposal number: F4Fp-SME-STAGE 2- 07M03

SUMMARY REMARKS & TESTBEDS provides an open-source stack from cloud over the gateway to sensor nodes to distribute and apply firmware updates and patches. The solution is using hyper ledger fabrics blockchain to record specific process steps and IPFS protocol is used to distribute files in a peer to peer architecture and homomorphic encryption schemes. For all elements, there is an uncertainty towards the highest scalability and resilience on secure and trusted rollout tasks with ever-changing conditions on the connection status and bandwidth towards the target nodes.

With the support of Fed4FIRE experiment Stage 1 has successfully tested the basic architecture and framework under limited stress conditions of 10.000 virtual devices to identify mission-critical components and configuration settings in the basic solution stack.

For the Stage 2 experiment, the extended solution stack was tested by increased stressed conditions to identify bottlenecks, security weak points and optimize the solution.


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