ITU-ETSI-IEEE Joint SDOs Brainstorming Workshop on Testbeds Federations for 5G & Beyond: Interoperability, Standardization, Reference Model & APIs
15-16 March 2021 from 14h00-17h30 CET each day
Over the years, Research Communities and Industry, have designed and developed Testbeds on various topics, including ICT Testbeds and Testbeds for Vertical Applications (such as transportation, finance & banking, healthcare, automotive, manufacturing, entertainment, etc, that leverage ICT technologies and infrastructures).
Due to the increasing number of Testbeds available from both the Industry and the research communities, there is an urgent need to build an Ecosystem for enabling Sustainable Testbeds Development, Evolutions, and Federations based on the newly required Standards for Testbeds Federations including the required Applications Programming Interfaces (APIs) for Testbeds Federations and Interoperability. This need has been amplified by the emerging impacts of pandemics like COVID-19 on products developments and lifecycle management.
Together with the major Standards Development Organizations (SDOs), Industry and Research communities will ground the base for a common roadmap on the Testbeds Federations for 5G & Beyond.
The submission of the Open APIs for interoperable testbed federations describing the APIs used in Fed4FIRE+ has triggered such a strong interest from ITU-T, ETSI, IEEE to set up a Workshop on this topic.
Goals of the workshop
This Workshop provides a platform for ITU-T, ETSI and IEEE to brainstorm and share ideas on Testbeds Federation Challenges, including:
- the Testbeds Federation Reference Model being jointly standardized by ITU and ETSI;
- APIs Requirements for Testbeds Federations and existing API implementations by Research Communities and the Industry;
- how to use the Reference Model to guide Research and Industry to contribute to the development of the APIs;
- how the SDOs can potentially share the burden on APIs Standardization and on Roadmaps in a harmonized and collaborative way;
- Potential New Business Models for Testbeds Suppliers derived from the Testbeds Federations Reference Model;
- Engagement of the various Stakeholders such as Research Communities, Researchers on 5G and Beyond, Industry Users of Testbeds, Testbeds Suppliers for 5G Testbeds and other Testbeds, CSPs, Infrastructure Vendors/Suppliers for ICT and Verticals, Regulators, and any other interested parties to discuss the roles the various Stakeholders can play in the desired Ecosystem to be built by the SDOs.
The participation in the workshop is open for ITU Member States, Sector Members, Associates and Academic Institutions and to any individual from a country that is a member of ITU, who wishes to contribute to the work. The event is also open to ETSI and IEEE members and non-members, particularly Research Communities, Researchers on 5G and Beyond, Industry Users of Testbeds, Testbeds Suppliers for 5G Testbeds and other Testbeds, CSPs, Infrastructure Vendors/Suppliers for ICT and Verticals, Regulators, and any other interested parties or stakeholders active in this field of expertise.
More details
All information including the programme, speakers, moderators, registration (mandatory), etc. will be made available on the event website at: