The official adoption of Recommendation Q.4068 “Open application program interfaces (APIs) for interoperable testbed federations” by the ITU Telecommunication Standardization Sector (ITU-T) brings the Fed4FIRE+ open API to become a global standard.

ITU-T Recommendation “Open application program interfaces (APIs) for interoperable testbed federations”

The Recommendation presents a generic reference model for testbed federation, improving the interoperability among the different testbeds used in the ICT domain. The Recommendation also describes the APIs already used by GENI and Fed4FIRE, illustrating how to concretely instantiate the generic reference model in real testbed federations. These open APIs allow the federation and the interconnection of all the testbeds.

The Recommendation is the result of the collaboration with ITU-T Study Group 11 – Signalling requirements, protocols, and test specifications, and ETSI Technical Committee (TC) Core Network and Interoperability Testing (INT). Mandat International, partner of the Fed4FIRE+ project and member of ITU-T, took part in the drafting of the “Open APIs for interoperable testbed federations” section. The milestones of this collaboration were presented at the 2021 IoT Week: read the highlights and check the video recording here.

The Recommendation is now available online at

Don’t miss Fed4FIRE+ at the Layer123 World Congress for more insights on the Recommendation Q.4068. Join the “ETSI TC INT & ITU-T SG11 Reference Model for Testbeds Federations for 5G & Beyond” panel on the 16th November 2021 at 14:00. Registration and program here.

Fed4FIRE+ | ITU-T Recommendation "Open application program interfaces (APIs) for interoperable testbed federations"

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