Fed4FIRE+ and a number of NGI research projects shared insights on the currently available funding opportunities in the NGI domain in a live Q&A session with innovators.

On 12 July 2021, Fed4FIRE+ co-organized “NGI Open Calls: Q&A Session”, an online initiative to support innovators working on the development of a human-centric Internet of tomorrow, together with the NGI Outreach Office, NGI Zero,  NGI Assure, NGI Atlantic.eu, and Ontochain.

The Open Calls on the spotlight covered a  range of challenges that the NGI community is addressing to build the Internet of Humans.  From open-source solutions to blockchain technologies, innovators can find within the NGI initiative financial support,  expertise and top-notch testing facilities for their research.

Brecht Vermeulen, Fed4FIRE+ Technical Coordinator from Ghent University- IDLab, presented the key features of the 9th Open Call and Continuous Open Calls for SMEs, Fed4FIRE+ funding opportunities for NGI experiments testing.  Multiple federated testbeds in cross-technology areas, now accessible via the new Fed4FIRE+ portal,  emphasized Brecht Vermeulen, allow academia, SMEs and startups to focus on implementing and optimizing their existing products or services.

Interested in knowing more about other funding in the NGI domain? Check out the NGI Open Calls: Q&A session’s presentations and video recording available here.

If you are curious about Fed4FIRE+ Open Call and tips & tricks to draft a winning proposal, find more details in our presentation.

NGI Open Calls: Q&A Session

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