The Fed4FIRE+ project has the objective to maintain and further improve Fed4FIRE+’s “best-in-town” federation of facilities for the Future Internet experimentation. Its portfolio includes a heterogeneous set of facilities covering technologies ranging from wireless, wired, cloud services and open flow.

Opening these facilities and making them accessible through common frameworks and tools lowers the threshold for experimenters to join and run their own experiments and tests.

Type of organisation

Through the organization of Open Calls with financial support and support by Fed4FIRE+ specialists in setting up and running the experiments, Fed4FIRE+ lowers the threshold even further. Researchers and developers in SMEs, industry, and other organizations are making use of these facilities to support their own development work, products and research in the area of Future Internet and NGI.

Geographical distribution of experimenters

Fed4FIRE+ has already held two Open Calls, and is currently launching a 3rd. Already, more than 50 experimenters have submitted proposals to run experiments with financial support through these Open Calls. Out of these, 22 have already been selected with budgets ranging from 10,000 to 100 000 Euro and a duration of between three months and 1 year.

Open Call experimentations in the Fed4FIRE testbeds

The experiments make use of a wide variety of the available testbeds and cover a wide range of topics and technologies. At the conclusion of the experiments, the proposers must provide a short report highlighting how they have used the testbeds, their main results, and the impact on their business. These reports, as well as more information on new Open Calls, will become available via the website of the Fed4FIRE+ project and other appropriate channels.

See the video presenting the open call:

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