Short name: srsV2X
Long name: srsV2X – Testing the SRS LTE-V2X Implementation on SDR

Company: Software Radio Systems Limited
Country: Ireland

Call Stage 1: F4Fp-06 (see call details)
Proposal number: F4Fp-06-M33


In this srsV2X experiment, we are going to use the SmartHighway/Citylab testbed for V2X communications built on the E313/E34 highway in Antwerp. SRS will integrate its LTE V2X implementation on the available SDR platforms and will run three test cases: C-V2X interoperability testing; SRS C-V2X Mode 4 testing and coexistence tests between C-V2X and ITS G5. This experiment will push the boundaries of SDR experimentation beyond State-of-the-Art and to the domain of vehicular communications. The SmartHighway/Citylabtestbed allows us to gain access to connected car test infrastructure that is no typically available to SME companies such as SRS. This allows us to move our solutions from the lab to the real-world environment. It also provides an opportunity to gain access to pre-commercial C-V2X solutions, to carry out interoperability testing and thus validate our implementations. The srsV2X experiment will be a catalyst for the tuning and optimization of our C-V2X implementation, allowing us to mature the technology to offer it to our commercial partners and to approach potential new partners for proof-of-concept testing and trials.

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