Short name: Fed4Cities
Long name: Federating open innovation in cities

Company: Kentyou
Country: France

Call Stage 1: F4Fp-SME-COD1 (see call details)
Proposal number: F4Fp-SME-COD200428-03

Call Stage 2: F4Fp-SME-2 (see call details)
Proposal number: F4Fp-SME-STAGE 2-08M14


The objective of this proposal is to test an open innovation enabler for cities by using smart city testbeds within the FED4FIRE+ ecosystem. The enabler is composed of two main parts: i) tool for creating communication bridges to collect and interpret data from multiple heterogeneous sources in the city ii) tool for rapidly composing services on top of the available data exposed by sensors and available actions exposed by actuators.

FED4FIRE+ will contribute to evaluate our tools based on real data coming out of the SmartSantander testbed environment. We will assess the correct gathering of data and the experience of usage of the tools we are providing (e.g., learning curve) by different stakeholders such as application developers and city IT staff in order to help them turning their various data sources into a common understandable data and actions lake on top of which they can rapidly build innovative applications.

The objective of this proposal is to test different features of the Eclipse sensiNact, an open platform for smarter cities, by using relevant testbeds provided by FED4FIRE+ such as SmartSantander, CityLab and Tengu. The enabler is composed of three main parts: 1) urban data platform collecting and unifying data from multiple heterogeneous sources in the city 2) development tool for rapidly composing applications on top of the available data and action resources that can be orchestrated by the platform 3) data processing enablers to extract high-level knowledge, predictions and insights from raw data.

During the first phase of the experimentation, we have tested and validated our approach (in particular points 1) and 2) within the Smart Santander testbed by accessing around 1000 sensor data of different types and building three test applications involving more than 200 devices, also integrating resources outside of Santander infrastructure.

In the second phase of the experimentation, we will bring our work three steps further and test: i) Our federation capacity: We will federate the Smart Santander testbed with the CityLab by providing data flow from sensor data collected from Santander (and probably from our other partner cities) to the CityLab’s distributed infrastructure. ii) Our distributed edge processing capacity: We will test distributed applications composing micro-services running on the distributed nodes of CityLab infrastructure. We will test the behaviour of our platform in real conditions (disconnections, resource-constrained nodes, physical obstacles entre gateways etc.) iii) Our enhanced data processing capacity: We will provide an edge to cloud continuum to delegate processing which requires powerful resources into the Tengu Cloud environment FED4City provides an excellent opportunity by providing access to real-world data coming from the testbed environments so that we can validate our approach in close to real-life conditions.


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